I just did not realize that it has been such a long time since I have posted something. We have been very busy with two graduations, minor surgery, physical therapy and more. My youngest Arkansas grandchild graduated on May 19 and I was fortunate to be able to attend her ceremony. Sha has grown into such a lovely young lady and is quite the artist. I love to see her work. She will start her journey into life by attending SAU in Magnolia this year on her way to becoming a vet. She absolutely loves anumals.
On May 27th, M who lives with me graduated also. I don't know what he wants to do with the rest of his life but he is smart enough to get it right eventually. Right now I don't know what he will wind up doing.
The next grand child to graduate will be in ten years. Long time in between.
The Lexington grandchildren will be several miles closer to me as S. the dad has just started a new job here in Louisville and they need to be closer to his work. It will be great to be able to see them more often. I am praying for my two little ones so they can make the transition easily. It is great for me to have them closer but they are leaving the onky home they have ever known since they came home from China.
I will leave you with a saying from H. She looked at her mother and said " didid you know Aunt Sandy and Uncle Bobby are still alive? They are mom. Can you believe it?