
Sunday, December 19, 2010

The ice storm

.As many of you know, we have had some bad weather here in Kentucky. The main roads and interstates have been clear but the streets in our subdivision have been very slick and I have stayed inside for the last 4 days because I don't want to fall. Well. today the sun is shining and it looks like the ice will be gone soon. The street is mostly black and what perfect timing as I havea doctor's appointment at 9 in the morning.

How is the weather where you live? Are you warm and toasty or cold and frosty? We are warm in the house which is a blessing because we had to have the furnance repaired last week which was not in my budget here at Christmas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sunny but cool not too cold and no ice. watching 2 babies sleep right now.